~ Der Achte: Study Tips ~

Hallo zusammen!

So it has come to my attention that some of my Wittenbergplatz Deutsch Akademie student mates are having a bit of a hard time remember certain aspects of Deutsch. Now, I am not perfect either but over the years I have developed some help study habits that help me remember information efficiently. Of course I do not have all the great tips, but I will share the few I have with you. And if any of you are reading this, feel free to comment more tips you have down below!

  • First tip: TAKE NOTES ! Very important! If you have notes, go home and review them every night. If every night is too often and you are very busy, try to do a review at least every other day. It’s very important to keep the information fresh in your mind, especially if you are not utilising/speaking it all the time.
  • Use flash cards to help memorize the past tense version of verbs. Can also be used to memorize      the Artikel of words, or just vocabulary in general.
  • Like I mentioned above, if you are not speaking to others auf Deutsch often, then try to speak to yourself. Of course it may seem a little silly, and you don’t need to do it public haha, but if you are at home, try to ask yourself questions and answer them in Deutsch.
  • If you have trouble memorizing the Artikel of the nouns (der/die/das), you can write them in colors in a notebook, in a folder, on loose papers, etc. For example, if you’re writing your vocabulary, you can write masculine words in a black pen, feminine words in a red pen, and neutral words in a blue pen. You could also underline them in colors to help your brain connect a pattern between the color assigned to the gender and the word.

    Color by Artikel (please excuse the messy writing)

  • On your free days, or when you finish the course, go back and do the exercises in the Arbeitsbuch that weren’t assigned to you by your instructor during the course.
  • Try to read German books and watch German TV Shows/Films (with or without subtitles).

Hopefully you utilise some of these tips, and they actually help you! If not, I do apologize! Bis bald :)
